St Annes Town Centre Improvement Project
The St Annes Improvements Project, a cornerstone of the St Annes Masterplan, is set to bring transformative changes to the town centre. Creating a St Annes town centre ‘square’ provides opportunities for an adaptable area by reducing the dominance of the existing road. This can be achieved without significant construction work. Additionally, by de-cluttering the street, visibility and connectivity between retailers and hospitality outlets will improve. This area will serve the community better and enhance the tourism experience.
Following extensive public consultation and design revisions, Fylde Council have approved an expanded scheme with a revised budget of £2.91 million. Gosling Consulting LTD, BDP, and LCC (Lancashire County Council) are involved in the project.
The Project team will be supported by a liaison officer to provide communication links between the public, businesses and other stakeholders during the project.
WhatsApp Channel
The Project has a WhatsApp Channel where you can keep up to date with progress, notifiers, and view images and documents during the works. A WhatsApp channel provides one-way communication. Open your mobile phone’s camera, and if you have WhatsApp on your phone, it will take you to the projects channel. Please use the question area further below to ask the team any questions.

Face to Face Updates
All information sessions are currently being held in St Annes Town hall and you are welcome to come along to meet the team and ask any questions regarding the scheme. Alternatively if you are unable to attend these information sessions then you can contact the project team on
12th March – Public and Business Update Session, 3pm – 7pm
21st May – Public Drop-in Session, 3pm – 7pm
The Team is compiling an FAQ Sheet of questions posed from the Public and Businesses that cannot be answered by reading the St Annes Masterplan and St Annes Event Space documents further above. Please submit your question using the form below and the team will endeavour to answer them.
When will the works start?
The project works will commence on Monday 4th November 2024 and run through until mid to late May 2025.
Phase one: is to create the new North side bus stops with a new layby outside of Boots, St Annes Road West.
Phase two: Creates a wider bus layby on the opposite side of the road.
These works will mainly take place within the highways during November 2024 and January 2025.
Two-way vehicular traffic will continue.
To maintain safety, the garden and bench seating areas from Garden Street to Boot’s shop must be temporarily closed.
Access fronting all shops will be maintained along the walkway.
Will any car parking be affected with the work?
Only one car park will be taken off-line, and only during phases three and four (Orchard Road Junction to Clifton Drive end).
No parking bays are being removed in this project.
Phases three and four include the area below.
Will any buses be re-routed?
The new North Bus Layby will be constructed between 4th November and 18th December 2024. The St Annes Road West bus stop locations will remain in situ over the Christmas period and will be unaffected by the works.
In January 2025, the Southern Bus Layby will be improved by widening the highway, with construction continuing until February. A temporary bus stop will be provided for two months near the affected vicinity. Updates will be given on the timings and timetable information when confirmed via various communication channels including;
- Fylde Council Newsletter
- Fylde Council Social Media – Facebook
- WhatsApp Channel for the project (see QR code on this page)
- Town Centre Map Board – Outside B & M
- This webpage – for links/downloads
- Local Press
- Transport Company communications
Works to the area between Garden Street and Clifton Drive will commence around the second week of January 2025. Again, updates will be given on any changes to bus routes using St Annes Road West, with timetable information, when confirmed.
Where is the proof of need for St Anne's town centre improvements?
The proof of need, and results of the public questionnaire are within the Masterplan Document.
The project is a St Annes Town Centre public realm improvement scheme, with space included to form a ‘square’ in the heart of the town centre to enable events, markets, and other community gatherings. The improvements include improved lighting on Orchard Road and Garden Street.
Also, to improve transport links and awareness of the other shopping streets, the bus stops on St Annes Road West are being moved to to the top of the square. Landscaping will be refreshed and lowered, new more modern seating, new pedestrian surfaces to improve access for all.
Will the monthly Farmers Market be affected?
The Farmers Market organiser has been consulted and the work will not affect the markets throughout the project.
St Annes Farmers Markets in December will be held on Thursday 5th December, and Sunday 22nd December.
The Farmers Markets will continue to be held on the first Thursday of every month, which always starts again in February.
It will eventually move location to the newly widened pavement area between Clifton Drive and Orchard Road after May 2025.
How is the work being funded?
The work is being funded by Fylde Council, Lancashire County Council, and the Governments UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Who has been awarded the contract for this project?
George Cox & Sons Ltd. has been awarded the contract for this project who were appointed via the RISE Framework. The company has extensive experience working on highways on the Fylde, and have consistently delivered high-quality and well-managed public realm projects.
George Cox is also currently delivering the Blackpool Enterprise Zone’s new Access Road, and previously worked on the Blackpool Quality Corridor’s public realm project in Blackpool town centre.
George Cox & Sons Ltd have been working with Fylde Council and the designers to develop the new high street improvement arrangements.
What are the benefits of the project?
The project intentions and benefits are:
- Redevelop the existing car park to extend the events space.
- Remove one dome and use quality materials to create a visually appealing focal point.
- New amphitheatre style seating and reduced planting for an open feel.
- Reposition bus layby for improved pedestrian connectivity.
- Enhance the lighting system and modernise the street furniture in the square.
- Improve lighting (at waist height) in Garden Street and Orchard Road.
- Create a defined community square.
- Improve accessibility.
- Environmental considerations include irrigation, planting, and recycling materials.
- Energy schemes – introduce solar lighting.
Is St Anne's Road West being pedestrianised or closed to traffic permanently?
Once reopened fully, St Anne’s Road West will continue to enable two way traffic throughout the square.
The Contractors are not doing any work -
The majority of public realm schemes are conspicuous by their nature. It may at times appear that little progress is being made however it is important to remember that a Construction Site is a continuously changing and evolving environment.
Many processes have to happen in a logical sequence and therefore the impression nothing is happening may seem the case but often people are unaware of the current situation. For example, Operatives maybe awaiting the delivery of materials in order to continue the next phase of the programme or alternatively, an unexpected service cable may have been found, and thus correct procedures are necessary for Health and Safety.
There are multiple activities happening on a daily basis and therefore even though the site may appear quiet we can assure you that a programme is being monitored and delivered.