Lytham Business Partnership (Lythams business group) recently held their AGM and afterwards a bi-monthly meeting.
With their Christmas in Lytham planning already underway, the Committee had asked a resident REACH consultant to come in and provide those present with some useful training on Advertising for the Christmas period for their businesses.
“The Christmas Advertising Insights presentation was so well recieved we thought others might wish to have a read and may find some tips and ideas for their business” advised Suzanne Taylor, Chair of Lytham Busines Partnership.
The presentation went into detail about consumer habits, when the majority of customers start thinking about buying Christmas presents and things for the Christmas Lunch table. A timetable of pooprtune dates a business could take advantage of to increase potential sales such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday etc.
LBP Christmas Advertising Insights Presentation
Understanding your audience is particularly important as this will guide advise as to where, when and how you attract your target market to your offer/s. It could be you have differing markets and so need to taylor your advertising to suit each one.
“Christmas can be a stressful time for many people, particularly if you’re tasked with planning and running a festive marketing campaign to help your business capitalise on seasonal spending. It can feel like untangling those Christmas tree lights you put away perfectly last year, but there’s no need to worry – our Ultimate Christmas Advertising Guide is here to help” Katrina Copsey, REACH Plc. “It reveals why Christmas 2023 is a great opportunity for UK businesses, despite the economic climate we’re all operating in.”