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If the pandemic has taught the human race anything it is the valued state of and being in good health and working towards self-improvement in all physical respects. It has also taught us how fragile life is and that our earth time is not infinate. To this end many have left the typical 9 – 5 working environment, set up their own business, taken early retirement, or quite simply are pursuing a totally different lifestyle. Those who were already sick pre-pandemic are getting sicker and unable to rejoin the workforce.

Looking after the current workforce is therefore everyone’s main concern in order to strengthen the UK’s economy, and grow it on the global platform.

As we appreciate in business, healthier staff leads to healthier bottom lines. We benefit through increased productivity and sustained workforces, resulting in reduced absence costs, lower staff turnover rates and improved customer service levels. On the flip side knowing that your employer values you enough to invest in your overall health means much in a society where staff have previously been seen as dispensable.

There is now support for all businesses, of any size, to encourage and support their existing workforce directly with health initiatives. Many large Fylde enterprises are taking this offer up and SME’s are invited to do the same.

The Business Health Matters project is for any size of business and is made up of 2 main projects:

  • Workplace Health Champion Training – A fully-funded offering that delivers basic skills training, and accredited Level 2 and 3 training to employees in Lancashire-based businesses. The training is delivered by Active Lancashire and several partners (via a tutor workforce) and is funded by European Social Fund.
  • Workplace Health Checks – Health Checks (which include both physical and mental elements) are delivered in the workplace by trained gym and leisure staff or at one of our local facilities. Businesses are then further supported with tailored well-being packages based on the outcomes of their health checks.

The programme is supported by Fylde Council, the Lancashire Chambers of Commerce, along with 20 local and national delivery partners including The Lancashire Colleges, Lancashire Mind, UCLan, ukactive and several other local authorities and leisure trusts.

Here is the form you need to complete and our Sports Development Officer will be in touch to discuss the two options above.

Should you wish to discuss skills and training for your current employees, or discuss recruitment issues please use the Let’s Talk form and our Economic Development Team will be in touch.

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